Members of Chambers conduct a wide range of litigious and advisory work in most offshore jurisdictions and accept instructions from foreign clients who have no established relationship with English solicitors. We regularly refer clients to UK solicitors and liaise with them to provide the full range of English legal services.
Many of us have been admitted on an ad hoc or permanent basis to the bars of other countries. We have particularly strong connections with the United States, the Caribbean jurisdictions, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Ireland (North and South), Gibraltar and the Far East where members have appeared in important cases and where appropriate on appeal to the Privy Council.
Our expertise in commercial litigation, banking and finance, insolvency, trust law and the land laws of other jurisdictions and our extensive experience of interim remedies and as trial lawyers are particularly valuable.
- Hong Kong
Three Stone has strong links with Hong Kong and senior members appear there regularly. John McDonnell KC has particular expertise in Hong Kong and New Territories land and family trust law. He has appeared in 12 reported cases in Hong Kong (including 8 in the Court of Final Appeal) and two Appeals from Hong Kong to the Privy Council: for details see his individual Profile.
- Caribbean
Members of Three Stone regularly advise and appear for clients before the Caribbean courts (particularly in the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the Bahamas) and in appeals to the Privy Council.
John McDonnell KC, David Lord KC, Mark Watson-Gandy, Sebastian Kokelaar, Stephen Ryan and Christopher Howitt are members of the British Virgin Islands Bar and also appear in other Caribbean jurisdictions. Mark Watson-Gandy is a member of the British Virgin Islands government legal panel. Rupert Coe was a full member of the Cayman Islands Bar from 2010-16 where he practised as a member of a local firm. He continues to take a wide variety of instructions from the Cayman Islands and other Caribbean jurisdictions.
- Isle of Man
Laurence Vaughan-Williams practices as an Advocate in the Isle of Man where he sits as a Deputy Chairperson of the Isle of Man Employment Tribunal.
Other Members of Three Stone have provided advice and advocacy services before Manx Courts in a number of leading cases such as the Knox Darcy and Kaupthing Bank litigation.
- New York
Members of chambers are regularly instructed as barristers by clients based in the US and Canada and have experience of working with New York lawyers. Members of chambers also act as expert witnesses on UK law in US litigation and arbitrations, and provide expert evidence on US law in English proceedings.
Ian Watson qualified at the New York bar in 1993 before also qualifying in the UK .
- Dubai
Three Stone has strong links with Dubai. Mark Watson-Gandy practices as a member of the Bar of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and holds Part II rights of audience.